You’ve set up a business website. It’s functional, flashy, and embodies all of the elements your web designer insisted it should have.
But there’s a problem. It’s not attracting new customers or increasing your sales.
As a business owner, the main objective of all your marketing endeavours should be to engage your customers, increase brand awareness, and generate sales. If your website isn’t doing this, it’s a liability. A waste of money and a poor time investment.
So how do you turn a potential liability into a powerhouse marketing machine?
Follow these simple steps and you will be well on the way to creating a dynamic business website that sings your praises even while you sleep.
7 elements to consider when designing your business website
1. Will it appeal to your target market?
Identifying your target market is the key to designing the perfect website. If you don’t know who you’re dealing with, you can’t identify their pain points and cater to their needs. Take the time to analyse your target market. It will save you a lot of time and money down the track.
2. Is the design and content balanced?
There are two main factors that contribute to a website’s success – it’s visual appeal and the copy. Both of these elements are equally important when it comes to designing a user-friendly website. Strike the right balance and your website will look amazing.
3. Does your copy send the right message?
The words on your website are your voice. They form your identity and bring your brand to life. The right words in the right places will connect you to your audience, increase brand awareness, and generate success. Make every word count.
4. Is your website simple to navigate?
Poor navigation is a major turn off for customers. It doesn’t matter how visually appealing your website is, if it’s difficult to navigate your customers won’t stick around. Make your site user-friendly and watch your sales soar.
5. Are your contact details easy to find?
As hard as it is to believe, some websites hide their contact details in the most obscure places. Place your contact information or at least a link to your contact page on your homepage. Make it easy for customers to get in touch and you will increase your sales.
6. Is your website slow to load?
Customers don’t have time to sit around and wait for your website to load. Slow page speeds will reduce web traffic and impact your conversion rates. Slow loading times will also affect your search engine rankings which is the last thing you want to happen.
7. Have you incorporated Google maps?
Customers are always on the move and use their mobile phones as a GPS. By embedding Google maps on your website you will make it easier for customers to locate your business and increase the amount of traffic coming through your door.
Creating a website doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Do your research before you begin and you will be well on your way to designing a user-friendly site that your customers will love.
If you need a copywriter to help you create your website, contact me for a free quote.